By Jim Sinclair: "Nothing will unnerve the paper gold shorts more quickly and do more to undercut their confidence than to strip them of the real metal and force them to come up with more hard gold bullion to make good on deliveries. "Stand and Deliver or Go Home" should be the rallying cry of the gold longs to the paper gold shorts." --Trader Dan Norcini
If gold market participants were all tank drivers their machine would have but one gear - reverse. The smallest book in the world is the book of confirmed gold price visionaries.
Someone says deflation and the long gold positions hit the fan. Gold banks make their short covers even though the fuel in Bernanke's Helicopter Money Drop is founded in the dreaded use of the "D" word.
People are so fixed in present time that they cannot picture a euro back towards its high and the dollar back towards its low because the financial condition of the USA dwarfs the problems of the USA.
Hyperinflation is always the product of a loss of confidence in currency resulting in a "Currency Produced Cost-Push Hyperinflation."
No one with a synapse talking to another synapse expects a "Demand-Pull Inflation."
All hyperinflation in modern history has occurred for one reason, and one reason only. That is loss of confidence in currency.
Loss of confidence in a currency can be brought about by many reasons, but there is one constant factor. When hyperinflation has occurred in modern history EVERY economy involved was decimated as and when it occurred.
It has never been caused by "Demand-Pull," but always and without exception caused by "Currency Induced Cost Push Hyperinflation."
The nonsense being spread by the F-TV taking heads is that the Fed is out of ammunition to fight deflation. That is raving BS. The Fed can and will do QE to infinity which is restricted as a tool by nothing whatsoever. The ECB will not be far behind the Fed.
Argue all you want, but this is exactly what is going to happen starting now. Stop being glib. Study hyperinflation in modern times listed below before you ask me to explain it one more time.
What is out there today QE wise is enough to result in hyperinflation as confidence falls in currencies due to two characteristics, QE and volatility.
Try meditating on the concept of "Currency Induced Cost Push Hyperinflation," rather than loading your pants over gold banks manipulation full of sound and fury, but meaningless in the great scheme of things.
Examples of hyperinflation in modern times:
Angola, Argentina, Belarus, Bolivia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Brazil, Bulgaria, Chile, China, Congo, Free City of Danzig, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Israel, Japan, Madagascar, Mozambique, Nicaragua, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Russia, Taiwan, Turkey, Ukraine, United States, Yugoslavia
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