Sunday, October 10, 2010

David Frost - Interviews Tony Blair

If you ever wondered what happened to David Frost well the poor old bugger is still interviewing the infamous and pompous and trying to cut them down to size with his easy going manner. On this occasion he interviews Tony Blair on his time as PM, world affairs, and the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Watch out for Tony linking Iraq and 911 in the same breath, even though most of the alleged terrorists were Saudi. Then Tony being amazed that the killing of over 1 million Iraqi civilians during the invasion and occupation of Iraq might have just miffed a few of their brethren in the Arab world. Even though the head of MI5 during Tony's watch says that the wars have bred a generation of terrorists. Also lets not forget that this is the UK's 4th war in Afghanistan and the Afghans haven't forgiven Brittan for the last 3 invasions yet.

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