Friday, September 30, 2011

Al-Qaeda warns Ahmadinejad to stop denying 9/11

This story is just too funny, you couldn't make this up. The US created Al-Qaeda is begging Iran's President to blame them for 911 instead of their "sworn enemy" haha....

From the UK Telegraph:

By Damien McElroy, Foreign Affairs Correspondent

In a curious case of enemies uniting against a common foe, the Yemen-based compiler of the terrorist organisation's Inspire magazine wrote that President Ahmadinejad had appeared "ridiculous" when he questioned the origins of the attack that killed almost 3,000 people.

"The Iranian government has professed on the tongue of its president Ahmadinejad that it does not believe that al Qaeda was behind 9/11 but rather, the US government," it said. "So we may ask the question: why would Iran ascribe to such a ridiculous belief that stands in the face of all logic and evidence?"

US diplomats led a Western walkout at the UN General Assembly meeting last week during President Ahmadinejad's speech when he suggested the Osama bin Laden was killed to cover up the events of September 11.

"Would it not have been reasonable to bring to justice and openly bring to trial the main perpetrator of the incident in order to identify the elements behind the safe space provided for the invading aircraft to attack the twin World Trade Centre towers?" he said.

He had previously jointed other "doubters" on the fringes of the political spectrum in claiming the attacks were a "big fabrication" on 

To hear what Ahmadinejad actually said on 911, the Gold Standard and printing trillion of dollars click here

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