Saturday, June 23, 2012

Weekend Chillout - To disappear without a trace

This weekend's chillout is inspired by the dramatic news this week of Julian Assange seeking asylum in Ecuador. As Julian has stated he doesn't fear Swedish questioning but he does the USA hoping he disappears without trace.


Some maybe wondering why I am supporting Julian Assange on this blog, well it basically falls into these categories:
  1. He is a top Aussie stirring the possum and taking the piss out of the US and Australian governments, a noble cause that many top Australians have done before him.
  2. Wikileaks was one of the sparks that set off the Arab Spring, which has been extensively reported on this blog.
  3. The most worryingly, this blog has published US diplomatic cables from Wikileaks, and hence is in many ways is guilty of the same "crimes" that Julian and Wikileaks are accused of in the USA. Although I am in the good company of the New York times and The Guardian in this respect. 

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