Seems the Communist Govt. of South Africa is chaffing at the bit to Nationalise the country's mines. South Africa is currently the worlds leading supplier of Platinum and 4th largest for Gold. Of course any talk of nationalisation is going to scare off investment dollars for new mines and the expansion of existing mines - let alone the disaster that would occur if the Communists think they could actually run the mines themselves.
From Timeslive:
Nationalisation of South Africa's mines is on the agenda for this week's national general council of the ANC, but no final decision will be taken until 2012, says ANC secretary general Gwede Mantashe.
After a series of mixed signals, he told reporters: "The question of nationalisation is going to be debated, views are going to be expressed."
At the same time, however, Mantashe rapped the youth league over the knuckles for trying to force its proposal on the broader ANC.
"What we are raising is that if you table an issue for discussion in the ANC, never pretend to have a monopoly of wisdom on that issue. Open it up, allow different views to be expressed. Nobody must be supressed, nobody must be intimidated," he said.
Malema has repeatedly warned senior ANC leaders and the party's alliance partners, the SACP and Cosatu, that anyone who opposed nationalisation would be brought down by the youth.
Mantashe said the proposal was on the agenda for discussion in the commission on economic transformation, which would also look at the role of the state in the economy, the correct influence of the public sector and other aspects of a developmental economic strategy.
President Jacob Zuma was widely interpreted to have put a lid on the nationalisation debate when he said in a departure from the prepared text of his opening address yesterday that the NGC was a review meeting and not a place to introduce new policies.
Seen alongside his stinging rebuke for the Julius Malema's Youth League, Zuma appeared also to be stifling its flagship project.
But Mantashe praised the ANCYL for raising issues about economic policy that needed to be debated.
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