Friday, October 7, 2011
Rick Rule - 'Silver is Gold on Steroids'
Rick Rule discusses the recent price action in Gold & Silver with Eric King of King World News......listen here
CNN Anchor Mocks Occupy Wall Street - Cenk Responds
Oct 5, 2011
Weekend Chillout
With the youth of the USA on the streets protesting the corruption and greed, and getting beaten for their troubles, just like their grandparents did when they rose up, I thought it only fitting to have a song from the last uprising as this weekend's chillout.
The Rolling Stones ~ Paint it Black
I see my red door and it has been painted black
Maybe then Ill fade away and not have to face the facts
Its not easy facin up when your whole world is black
Maybe then Ill fade away and not have to face the facts
Its not easy facin up when your whole world is black
Steve Jobs Is Dead, Techno Worship Lives
By the Staff Report, Daily Bell:
Apple co-founder Steve Jobs died on Wednesday at age 56. Can Apple stay technology's cool trend-setter without Jobs ... What happens to Apple now that its iconic co-founder Steve Jobs has passed away? Jobs, who died after a long battle with cancer at the age of 56 on Wednesday, transformed Apple into the world's most valuable technology company by creating path-breaking, cool devices that made millions of consumers salivate over digital technology in a way they had never done before. - First Post
Dominant Social Theme:
This visionary changed the world and left a legacy of change that will only grow more powerful over time.
Free-Market Analysis:
Probably the powers-that-be breathed a sigh of relief with the death of Steve Jobs. He partnered with friend Steve Wozniak in the creation a mobile, personal computer in 1976. They built it in a garage in California, added the ability for people to store data on a disc, and the deed was done. History changed; the Anglosphere power elite was exposed via the Internet and the rush toward world governance was diminished.
But God help us now! Techno-worship, stimulated by Jobs's focus on design as well as technology, is expanding vastly - as can be seen from the article excerpted above. The emphasis is on "cool devices" - which entirely trivializes what actually has been accomplished over the past 20-30 years. Why should this be so? It suits the agenda of the power elite that wants to reconfigure the emphasis of technology.
The powers-that-be want to change the emphasis. It's to their advantage to focus on the medium rather than the message. The mainstream media, therefore, is increasingly crammed with nonsense about different kinds of hardware and software. None of it makes much of a difference, and most of it is a promotion - a kind of dominant social theme designed to stimulate the staggering stock market. Here's an example from a recent Wall Street Journal article:
Walt Mossberg reviews an unusual new 10" Android tablet called the Grid 10. Unlike all the major-brand Android tablets, it completely hides Google's standard user interface and offers a user experience based entirely on gestures ..."I've been testing a new, 10-inch Android-based tablet that tries to make a splash with a radical new software design and a dramatically lower price. It's called the Grid 10, and comes from a small, privately held, Singapore-based company called Fusion Garage."
This blather is the future, unfortunately. It is one of Jobs' less savory legacies. Information delivery systems, as a result of his admirable mania with design-as-art, are being elevated to the status, almost, of religious icons. The mainstream media is crammed with this sort of information, charting even the most obscure brands of hardware and software, their look and feel, and their market-making possibilites.
In our view this is a kind of dominant social theme - even a fear-based one. People are being conditioned not to miss out on the latest in "technology" and delivery apps. By focusing on the messenger rather than the message, the powers-that-be intend to reduce the damage caused by the Internet.
Jobs cared about money, of course, but he seems to have been focused on achieving something more important than wealth, which was a legacy of great inventions and a company that would live on. Yet, ironically, the legacy of the death of a great man will be increased techno-mania. Sound and fury signifying little or nothing.
Let us reemphasize (and not for the last time) the real accomplishments of Jobs. At absurdly young ages, Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak changed the world by creating the PC in a garage. That event in 1976 reinvented history. Of course, as with all things, it was more complicated than that. There was another invention at the same time that made the PC the history-shattering event that it became.
The second event was the effort by the US's military-industrial complex via DARPA to build what became the Internet. The combination of the Internet and the PC took place over the next 20 years - entirely unanticipated by the power elite. It was the most important communication advance since the invention of the Gutenberg Press, and similarly convulsive.
In fact, it has, at least to a degree, upended the Anglosphere power elite, which in the 20th century entirely dominated the world via directed history - on its way to building global government. The Internet has thrown the proverbial spanner into those plans.
In the 20th century, the Anglosphere controlled communication and practiced what we now call directed history. Wars, rulers and economic booms and busts - all were plotted by the world's great central banking families and their cast of enablers. Each adjustment was calculated to drive the world toward global governance.
The 21st century has not been nearly so kind to the Anglosphere. The Internet has made it possible to see in a day what once took months to research, or even longer. The result is that historical patterns can be discerned which otherwise would not be apparent. Much of what the Anglosphere does has been exposed. It is there on the Internet in black and white for the world to see and an Internet Reformation of sorts is underway.
And as a further result, tens of millions now understand that which was not understood in the 20th century - that a handful of people are manipulating the history of the world using the incomprehensible wealth of central banking, which allows them to print money from nothing.
This knowledge has proven vastly destructive to methodologies, plans and mechanisms of the elite. And of course they have fought back. We regularly chart the dominant social themes they use - the fear-based promotions that scare the middle class into handing over wealth and power to globalist institutions created for that purpose.
But in the 21st century, these dominant social themes have become much harder to implement because their essential unreality has been documented and exposed. Many millions now do not believe in global warming, the war on terror or any one of a number of other memes that the elites were able to offer without resistance in the 20th century.
Some will say this doesn't matter because not enough know what is really going on. But it does matter. The intelligentsia, those who provide the messaging for various cultures, are more and more aware of the reality of the elite's promotional campaigns. It is the intelligentsia that the power elites have lost, at least to some extent. And that has made a big difference in terms of their ability to initiate the thematic memes of directed history.
Jobs left his mark in so many ways. A great man, he changed much that he touched. (Is this hyperbole? Let it stand; we'll not speak ill of the dead.) It seems indisputable to us that he and his partner helped invent the Internet (unknowingly) at a very young age and that Jobs's knack for technology was an enabler of freedom for others.
Jobs's legacy will linger, but as time goes on the emphasis will shift from his significant accomplishments to the "cool technology" he created. This is entirely in keeping with the goals of a power elite that would much rather focus on the medium than the empowerment of the knowledge it has spread.
Is US Economy Flirting With 'Modern-Day Depression'?
From CNBC:
While economists have made no secret of their fears that another recession is about to strike, the real danger could be worse.
Instead, the country could be headed for a 21st century version of a depression, an economic term that, unlike a recession, defies a standard definition but instead conjures images of soup lines, 25 percent unemployment and a devastated economy (see Shadow Stats US Unemployment graph at bottom of page, they are almost there).
A drastic view? Perhaps. But with the US economy facing growth well below expectations two years after a recession, and an increasingly ominous European debt crisis, the superlatives being used to describe conditions are gaining in intensity.
“Here we are today, with a severe recession (2007-09) followed by the weakest recovery on record and now on the precipice of another economic downturn,” David Rosenberg, senior economist and strategist at Gluskin Sheff in Toronto wrote in a special analysis. “This is a modern-day depression, not entirely dissimilar to Japan’s post-bubble experience of the past two decades.”
Rosenberg takes issue with the standard issue of a recession being two consecutive quarters of negative growth, and rather says it measures peaks in sales activity, jobs, industrial production and income growth.
The US already has had something of a lost decade, Rosenberg reasons, citing stock values still around 1998 levels and little net job growth.
This is occurring even despite unprecedented policy measures including a massive monetary easing campaign from the Federal Reserve and about $800 billion in government stimulus.
”Simply put, an economic depression occurs only once it becomes painfully obvious that the markets and the economy are failing to respond to repeated bouts of policy stimulus,” Rosenberg on
While economists have made no secret of their fears that another recession is about to strike, the real danger could be worse.
Instead, the country could be headed for a 21st century version of a depression, an economic term that, unlike a recession, defies a standard definition but instead conjures images of soup lines, 25 percent unemployment and a devastated economy (see Shadow Stats US Unemployment graph at bottom of page, they are almost there).
A drastic view? Perhaps. But with the US economy facing growth well below expectations two years after a recession, and an increasingly ominous European debt crisis, the superlatives being used to describe conditions are gaining in intensity.
“Here we are today, with a severe recession (2007-09) followed by the weakest recovery on record and now on the precipice of another economic downturn,” David Rosenberg, senior economist and strategist at Gluskin Sheff in Toronto wrote in a special analysis. “This is a modern-day depression, not entirely dissimilar to Japan’s post-bubble experience of the past two decades.”
Rosenberg takes issue with the standard issue of a recession being two consecutive quarters of negative growth, and rather says it measures peaks in sales activity, jobs, industrial production and income growth.
The US already has had something of a lost decade, Rosenberg reasons, citing stock values still around 1998 levels and little net job growth.
This is occurring even despite unprecedented policy measures including a massive monetary easing campaign from the Federal Reserve and about $800 billion in government stimulus.
”Simply put, an economic depression occurs only once it becomes painfully obvious that the markets and the economy are failing to respond to repeated bouts of policy stimulus,” Rosenberg on
QE to Infinity and Beyond! - BoE Expands Bond Buying
From Bloomberg:
The Bank of England pledged to buy the most bonds since the depths of the last financial crisis as officials raced to stop the euro-region debt turmoil from pushing the economy back into recession.
The nine-member Monetary Policy Committee led by Governor Mervyn King raised the ceiling for so-called quantitative easing to 275 billion pounds ($421 billion) from 200 billion pounds. That’s the biggest expansion since the first round of stimulus in March 2009. Only 11 of 32 economists in a Bloomberg News survey predicted an increase in asset purchases.
The pound dropped after the decision, which came a day after a report showed Europe’s second-biggest economy grew less than previously estimated in the quarter through June and as Greece’s crisis strained money markets. The central bank said in a statement that slowing global growth and the turmoil in Europe “threaten the U.K. recovery.”
“I think it’s a dramatic intervention and signals the urgency of the situation,” said Brian Hilliard, chief U.K. economist at Societe Generale SA in London, who predicted a 50 billion-pound expansion. “I expect the size of the program to be increased further.”
The pound fell as much as 1.2 percent against the dollar after the decision to $1.5272....... the bank held its benchmark interest rate at a record low of 0.5 percent, as forecast by all 53 economists in a separate in full
Mervyn King interviewed:
Venezuela says gold repatriation to start soon

CARACAS Oct 5 (Reuters) - Venezuela will begin repatriating its gold reserves from Western nations by mid-November, the central bank head said on Wednesday.
"We're in the final phase of the logistics ... Soon the Venezuelan people will know when the first boat is coming," Nelson Merentes said, according to state news agency AVN.
President Hugo Chavez announced in August that the South American OPEC member nation would bring bring home almost all its $11 billion in gold reserves held abroad -- a nationalistic move that has hurt market confidence.
Analysts have said bringing the gold physically to Venezuela is a slow, complex and expensive process. Officials have given few details of how that will happen.
Merentes said the first boat laden with reserves would be back by mid-November. "It will be here as soon as possible, no later than in a month-and-a-half," he said.
The operation would be carried out with discretion and "extremely strict security," he added. Venezuela's gold abroad is in England, Switzerland, the United States, Canada and on
Keiser Report: Debts & Slavery
By RussiaToday on Oct 6, 2011
This week Max Keiser and co-host, Stacy Herbert, talk about 'capitalist gangbangs,' JP Morgan's 'way forward,' and why 14 trillion no longer scares us. In the second half of the show, Max Keiser interviews Satyajit Das about the conservation of debt and slavery, extreme money and #occupywallstreet.
This week Max Keiser and co-host, Stacy Herbert, talk about 'capitalist gangbangs,' JP Morgan's 'way forward,' and why 14 trillion no longer scares us. In the second half of the show, Max Keiser interviews Satyajit Das about the conservation of debt and slavery, extreme money and #occupywallstreet.
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