Thursday, November 24, 2011
John Embry on Gold and Silver price drops
John Embry discusses the recent Gold and Silver price drops, options expiry, Australian cost of living and retirement fund accounts with Eric King of King World News. Listen here
Bond Vigilantes Make Their Votes Known in Europe

By Neal Lipschutz
They may have retired in the U.S., but the bond vigilantes are alive and well in Europe.
The stunning lack of interest in Wednesday’s sale of 10-year German bonds shows the so-called fire walls incessantly talked about to contain the euro-zone sovereign debt crisis are nowhere to be found. Instead, the fire blazes out of control.
As reported, Germany was only able to sell 3.6 billion euros of a planned 6 billion euros in 10-year bunds, among the safest debt on the planet. Yields had been declining in Germany as institutional investors already are ditching the IOUs of just about every other European country. Wednesday, German yields rose.
If Germany, the strongest and safest European country, now has to struggle to finance itself, the two-year-old European sovereign debt crisis has reached a new and even more dangerous on
Ben Davis on Australia, Gold and Silver
Ben Davies discusses his recent visit to Australia, the Australian economy, Gold and Silver with Eric King of King World News....listen here
In Nervous Market, Gold Gains Respectability
From The New York Times:
Byron Wien, the investment strategist, has been forecasting the future for decades. But this is the first year that he has officially recommended gold in his model portfolio.
Byron Wien is recommending holding gold as part of an investment portfolio to protect assets.
And at the beginning of this month, Mr. Wien, vice chairman of Blackstone Advisory Partners, said he was maintaining his 5 percent allocation to gold for next year.
The metal has become the insurance policy of choice for many sophisticated investors. Even among those who were never gold bugs, there is now a belief that it has its place in a portfolio.
Mr. Wien’s view comes despite the fact that gold, which was up 29.5 percent in 2010, was up an additional 20.7 percent at the end of October of this year, according to Mr. Wien’s most recent report — nearly double the increase for real estate, the second-highest increase among Mr. Wien’s recommended asset classes.
His decision to continue recommending gold comes even while some investors feel that after such a steep run, prices may fall. The returns reflect the hard reality that as governments print money, thereby debasing the value of their currencies, gold still looks like a sensible on
Byron Wien, the investment strategist, has been forecasting the future for decades. But this is the first year that he has officially recommended gold in his model portfolio.
Byron Wien is recommending holding gold as part of an investment portfolio to protect assets.
And at the beginning of this month, Mr. Wien, vice chairman of Blackstone Advisory Partners, said he was maintaining his 5 percent allocation to gold for next year.
The metal has become the insurance policy of choice for many sophisticated investors. Even among those who were never gold bugs, there is now a belief that it has its place in a portfolio.
Mr. Wien’s view comes despite the fact that gold, which was up 29.5 percent in 2010, was up an additional 20.7 percent at the end of October of this year, according to Mr. Wien’s most recent report — nearly double the increase for real estate, the second-highest increase among Mr. Wien’s recommended asset classes.
His decision to continue recommending gold comes even while some investors feel that after such a steep run, prices may fall. The returns reflect the hard reality that as governments print money, thereby debasing the value of their currencies, gold still looks like a sensible on
JAMES TURK: We're Still Headed For The Cliff
From: SGTbull07 | Nov 19, 2011
SGT interviews James Turk, founder and Chairman of They discuss world events including the MF Global collapse, Loss of confidence, JP Morgan and the fall of the Euro Zone.Monti, Merkel and Sarkozy to hold mini summit
Nov 23, 2011
Medvedev grows some and restarts the Cold War
Nov 23, 2011
So Deep an Evil
Imagine you are Ben Bernanke, or on the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve. The time frame is July and August of 2011 and the price of gold is on a tear. Commodities inflation has been persistent and is breaking out everywhere. Your prediction that inflation "is contained" and is a "temporary phenomena" are beginning to look absurd. What do you do? Simple. Hint that QE3, the primary drive of inflation, is coming and then fail to deliver at the September FOMC meeting. That takes care of the price of gold and the gold stocks. Ah, but those pesky commodities speculators keep making money and trading against what you want the markets to do. So what is to be done there? Hey Jon Corzine, how about you tank the largest broker for the small commodities punters in the world, and we let them twist in the wind? That will serve them right. Teach them to bet against the government approved scenario. -
Dominant Social Theme:
These are terrible tragedies and no one can help them.
Free-Market Analysis:
In our wanderings around the Blogosphere (and 'Net-iverse), it's become clearer and clearer to us that we live in a kind of matrix beyond our immediate control or perception. All we can do, like blind men, is to continue to make out the shape of the elephant as best we can. Numerous, repetitious touches are best.
That's why were attracted to this article over at ZeroHedge. We have noticed recent changes in the dialogue. ZeroHedge seems to be running articles along the lines of what we could call directed history, and so is LewRockwell. This is good.
And this is a good speculation (see excerpt above), as well, even If it is not true. The idea is that Jon Corzine, who has held high elite-banking positions, conducted a kind of sting of small gold buyers. By reducing MF Global to rubble, the elites also wiped out thousands of small commodities traders.
It is these traders that help force the issue regarding gold prices. Without them the price becomes easier to manipulate. Why would the powers-that-be do such a thing? A recent DB editorial explained the motivation in blunt detail:
The powers that be HATE gold. Money Power is derived from the central bank printing press. The idea that people on their own can go out and dig up money out of the earth means that the people STILL have the opportunity to better themselves independently of the power elite.
This is very hard to tolerate if you are trying to set up a regime to rule the world, as the Anglosphere elite apparently wants to do. If people can still get wealthy independently then you don't have TOTAL control. And total control is what Money Power seeks, or so it surely seems.
For this reason, the powers-that-be do everything they can to manipulate and squash the price of gold. This is why fiat money bulls are likely longer by years and decades than precious metals bulls. The elites drag out the fiat bull markets as long as they can.
(Why Gold Sells Off and What Will Happen Next)
This is a clever scenario and gives rise to other power-elite speculations as well. First, we would conclude, within the context of this speculation, that Corzine is nothing more than a kind of elite errand boy, for no honcho would put himself into such legal jeopardy.
This would confirm what we've written previously, that those who reach even the top rungs of Wall Street are nothing more than the clerical help for the REAL power elite that controls central banking itself and is planning the ongoing manipulations leading to world government. Corzine was the head of Goldman Sachs and a former governor of New Jersey.
Second, and more importantly, this sort of speculation reinforces how the power elite conspiracy may really work - by utilizing the leader but not followers. In other words, it's only necessary to have an alliance with the top person within the conspiratorial context. This is necessary, in fact, because the rest of those involved have to believe in their own cause.
Anglosphere elites, for instance, could have had relationships with Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin (history shows they did) but the relationships did not extend further down. This is how directed history can take place without it becoming known to a wide-ranging group of people. Only the leader need know that he is in cahoots with the enemy and that the results are pre-arranged.
Continuing this speculation, we can conclude that it is only a very small group of people that have the clout to control the world. How small? Take a look at this, excerpted from an article entitled "Stalin, his father and the Rabbit" in the New Statesman, by Simon Sebag Montefiore:
Among the ... staff at Stalin's villas was an experienced and trusted cook who rather extraordinarily had served Rasputin and Lenin, and now cooked for Stalin, too. This was President Vladimir Putin's grandfather. Given that he cooked for Rasputin, Lenin and Stalin, he is surely the most world-historical chef of modern times. When he was running for president in 2000, Putin proudly revealed the connection but said that his grandfather, a loyal Chekist to the last, had never yielded any secrets of his remarkable career.
We've tried to explain (over and over) recently that the power elite is likely run like a mafia, not a religion. Those involved work closely with each other and the shape of their relationship reminds us of a cartel as well. You can see some of our articles on this issue here:
Zionism as an Elite Promotion or Fashion Statement?
Website Irony...
Yes, they are very close and they hold power tightly. It's come out recently, for instance, that the USSR was not only funded by the power elite, but likely managed by it, too. Supposedly, Hitler made unexpected trips to see Stalin. Could the whole war have been, in a sense, staged?
World War I surely gives rise to these suppositions. And certainly Yalta, with its good-cop/bad cop scenario (with Churchill in the middle) strikes as more and more ludicrous. The whole idea is to manufacture enemies and thus create more control over middle classes. The great Austrian academic Murray Rothbard had his doubts about the "Cold War" and we can certainly see why.
Virtually everything in the 20th century may have been a kind of hoax, we've decided, from the phony wars, to the Cold War itself, to the various recessions and depressions and the "isms" that people fought over - all of it part of directed history, designed to create a thesis, antithesis and finally, a synthesis.
The Anglosphere power elite wants global government. It's that simple. To get the job done, maximum chaos is to be created via economic depression, famine, wars and other tools of destruction. And then, of course, out of such chaos will come ... order. A new world order.
This latest one-world conspiracy is an old one, relatively speaking. It's been ongoing for a century - or maybe three - but it certainly picked up energy in the 20th century when the elites truly controlled all media. The boldness of the lies, when you examine them, is symptomatic of the arrogance. It is sociopathic. They do as they want, when they want, where they want. Human history is simply stuff to mould.
We were, for instance, always suspicious of how the USSR tumbled so quickly. We're told the system spent itself into oblivion. Funny thing, North Korea is still around. From our point of view, it looks like the plug was pulled quite intentionally on the USSR. We don't understand how it failed anymore than we understand how World War II got started or why the US Fed felt it necessary to inflate illegally in the Roaring Twenties.
For the above reasons, we're perfectly able to entertain the possibility that Corzine participated in this sort of sting. Sure it sounds "far out" - but not much farther out than a skinny guy in a turban living in a cave and organizing a take-down of prime US real estate.
If someone told you that the US and NATO would be involved in seven or eight regional wars simultaneously, would you have believed him? Or that the president of the United States refused to open up any of his records to domestic journalists? Or that a sympathetic hit movie would be built around the tortured gayness of FBI founder J. Edgar Hoover?
Strange things are happening. The Internet Reformation is forcing power elite "limited hangouts" more and more. The trouble with this strategy is that the more that is revealed, the more people want to know.
And gradually the cynicism builds along with evidentiary patterns. That may be the stage we're at now, where responsible alternative 'Net media can make the gravest accusations without straining the credulity of its many, increasingly informed readers.
The Corzine accusation at ZeroHedge (true or not) seems to us a kind of proof of this. If it is, then ... watch out! Even stranger and more exciting times lie ahead as the greatest conspiracy of them all - to create a one-world government - begins to unravel.
Imagine you are Ben Bernanke, or on the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve. The time frame is July and August of 2011 and the price of gold is on a tear. Commodities inflation has been persistent and is breaking out everywhere. Your prediction that inflation "is contained" and is a "temporary phenomena" are beginning to look absurd. What do you do? Simple. Hint that QE3, the primary drive of inflation, is coming and then fail to deliver at the September FOMC meeting. That takes care of the price of gold and the gold stocks. Ah, but those pesky commodities speculators keep making money and trading against what you want the markets to do. So what is to be done there? Hey Jon Corzine, how about you tank the largest broker for the small commodities punters in the world, and we let them twist in the wind? That will serve them right. Teach them to bet against the government approved scenario. -
Dominant Social Theme:
These are terrible tragedies and no one can help them.
Free-Market Analysis:
In our wanderings around the Blogosphere (and 'Net-iverse), it's become clearer and clearer to us that we live in a kind of matrix beyond our immediate control or perception. All we can do, like blind men, is to continue to make out the shape of the elephant as best we can. Numerous, repetitious touches are best.
That's why were attracted to this article over at ZeroHedge. We have noticed recent changes in the dialogue. ZeroHedge seems to be running articles along the lines of what we could call directed history, and so is LewRockwell. This is good.
And this is a good speculation (see excerpt above), as well, even If it is not true. The idea is that Jon Corzine, who has held high elite-banking positions, conducted a kind of sting of small gold buyers. By reducing MF Global to rubble, the elites also wiped out thousands of small commodities traders.
It is these traders that help force the issue regarding gold prices. Without them the price becomes easier to manipulate. Why would the powers-that-be do such a thing? A recent DB editorial explained the motivation in blunt detail:
The powers that be HATE gold. Money Power is derived from the central bank printing press. The idea that people on their own can go out and dig up money out of the earth means that the people STILL have the opportunity to better themselves independently of the power elite.
This is very hard to tolerate if you are trying to set up a regime to rule the world, as the Anglosphere elite apparently wants to do. If people can still get wealthy independently then you don't have TOTAL control. And total control is what Money Power seeks, or so it surely seems.
For this reason, the powers-that-be do everything they can to manipulate and squash the price of gold. This is why fiat money bulls are likely longer by years and decades than precious metals bulls. The elites drag out the fiat bull markets as long as they can.
(Why Gold Sells Off and What Will Happen Next)
This is a clever scenario and gives rise to other power-elite speculations as well. First, we would conclude, within the context of this speculation, that Corzine is nothing more than a kind of elite errand boy, for no honcho would put himself into such legal jeopardy.
This would confirm what we've written previously, that those who reach even the top rungs of Wall Street are nothing more than the clerical help for the REAL power elite that controls central banking itself and is planning the ongoing manipulations leading to world government. Corzine was the head of Goldman Sachs and a former governor of New Jersey.
Second, and more importantly, this sort of speculation reinforces how the power elite conspiracy may really work - by utilizing the leader but not followers. In other words, it's only necessary to have an alliance with the top person within the conspiratorial context. This is necessary, in fact, because the rest of those involved have to believe in their own cause.
Anglosphere elites, for instance, could have had relationships with Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin (history shows they did) but the relationships did not extend further down. This is how directed history can take place without it becoming known to a wide-ranging group of people. Only the leader need know that he is in cahoots with the enemy and that the results are pre-arranged.
Continuing this speculation, we can conclude that it is only a very small group of people that have the clout to control the world. How small? Take a look at this, excerpted from an article entitled "Stalin, his father and the Rabbit" in the New Statesman, by Simon Sebag Montefiore:
Among the ... staff at Stalin's villas was an experienced and trusted cook who rather extraordinarily had served Rasputin and Lenin, and now cooked for Stalin, too. This was President Vladimir Putin's grandfather. Given that he cooked for Rasputin, Lenin and Stalin, he is surely the most world-historical chef of modern times. When he was running for president in 2000, Putin proudly revealed the connection but said that his grandfather, a loyal Chekist to the last, had never yielded any secrets of his remarkable career.
We've tried to explain (over and over) recently that the power elite is likely run like a mafia, not a religion. Those involved work closely with each other and the shape of their relationship reminds us of a cartel as well. You can see some of our articles on this issue here:
Zionism as an Elite Promotion or Fashion Statement?
Website Irony...
Yes, they are very close and they hold power tightly. It's come out recently, for instance, that the USSR was not only funded by the power elite, but likely managed by it, too. Supposedly, Hitler made unexpected trips to see Stalin. Could the whole war have been, in a sense, staged?
World War I surely gives rise to these suppositions. And certainly Yalta, with its good-cop/bad cop scenario (with Churchill in the middle) strikes as more and more ludicrous. The whole idea is to manufacture enemies and thus create more control over middle classes. The great Austrian academic Murray Rothbard had his doubts about the "Cold War" and we can certainly see why.
Virtually everything in the 20th century may have been a kind of hoax, we've decided, from the phony wars, to the Cold War itself, to the various recessions and depressions and the "isms" that people fought over - all of it part of directed history, designed to create a thesis, antithesis and finally, a synthesis.
The Anglosphere power elite wants global government. It's that simple. To get the job done, maximum chaos is to be created via economic depression, famine, wars and other tools of destruction. And then, of course, out of such chaos will come ... order. A new world order.
This latest one-world conspiracy is an old one, relatively speaking. It's been ongoing for a century - or maybe three - but it certainly picked up energy in the 20th century when the elites truly controlled all media. The boldness of the lies, when you examine them, is symptomatic of the arrogance. It is sociopathic. They do as they want, when they want, where they want. Human history is simply stuff to mould.
We were, for instance, always suspicious of how the USSR tumbled so quickly. We're told the system spent itself into oblivion. Funny thing, North Korea is still around. From our point of view, it looks like the plug was pulled quite intentionally on the USSR. We don't understand how it failed anymore than we understand how World War II got started or why the US Fed felt it necessary to inflate illegally in the Roaring Twenties.
For the above reasons, we're perfectly able to entertain the possibility that Corzine participated in this sort of sting. Sure it sounds "far out" - but not much farther out than a skinny guy in a turban living in a cave and organizing a take-down of prime US real estate.
If someone told you that the US and NATO would be involved in seven or eight regional wars simultaneously, would you have believed him? Or that the president of the United States refused to open up any of his records to domestic journalists? Or that a sympathetic hit movie would be built around the tortured gayness of FBI founder J. Edgar Hoover?
Strange things are happening. The Internet Reformation is forcing power elite "limited hangouts" more and more. The trouble with this strategy is that the more that is revealed, the more people want to know.
And gradually the cynicism builds along with evidentiary patterns. That may be the stage we're at now, where responsible alternative 'Net media can make the gravest accusations without straining the credulity of its many, increasingly informed readers.
The Corzine accusation at ZeroHedge (true or not) seems to us a kind of proof of this. If it is, then ... watch out! Even stranger and more exciting times lie ahead as the greatest conspiracy of them all - to create a one-world government - begins to unravel.
Max Keiser on Europe's Brave New Debt
By RussiaToday
on Nov 23, 2011
Alarms over the Euro's future are sounding in the heart of Europe. European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso warned the single currency could collapse unless governments are more economically integrated. Eurocrats are currently pitted against Germany, as Chancellor Angela Merkel has once again rejected the idea of collective borrowing for the region.
Alarms over the Euro's future are sounding in the heart of Europe. European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso warned the single currency could collapse unless governments are more economically integrated. Eurocrats are currently pitted against Germany, as Chancellor Angela Merkel has once again rejected the idea of collective borrowing for the region.
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