Thursday, September 20, 2012

Judge Napolitano Takes On The Fed

Gerald Celente: The Tyranny of an Arrested Development Republic

Sep 19, 2012 by
Alex talks with trendsetter, author, and editor and publisher of the Trends Journal, Gerald Celente. Gerald talks with Alex about latest geopolitical and economic events unfolding as the world moves inextricably toward all-out war.

South Korea adds to Gold Reserves, again

South Korea is now only about 9 tonnes short of Australia's gold holdings, not that the Australian Reserve Bank says were they keep them

SEOUL(BullionStreet): Asia's fourth largest economy, South Korea's gold reserves hit 70.4 tons valued $2.98 billion at the end of August, according to World Gold Council.

South Korea now ranked 40th in the world in gold holdings by nations, up three notches from two months earlier as its central bank purchased the precious metal to diversify foreign exchange reserves.

However, Gold still accounts for only 0.9 percent out of the country's total foreign reserves of $316.88 billion.

The Bank of Korea (BOK) bought 16 tons of gold in July, the third purchase of the precious metal since the central bank bought it in July last year for the first time in 13 years.

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South African mining strikes continue

Sep 19, 2012 by In South Africa, a 22 per cent pay rise awarded to workers at the Lonmin mine in Marikana has sparked protests elsewhere.

'Golden Cross' May Signal Huge Gold Gains

Wed 19 Sep 12 | 05:00 PM ET
As the 50-day moving average for the precious metal surpasses its 200-day moving average, history suggests the start of a bull market.

Did Bernanke Bury the Bears?

Euro funds from the periphery run away screaming

Bank of Japan launches more QE

Joining the US, UK, EU......if central banks keep doing this currency debasement one day the people will realise that currencies are no longer worth the paper they are no longer printed on.

Sep 19, 2012 by