Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Keiser Report - Jihadist Safe Haven

From RussiaToday

Published on Jul 27, 2013
In this episode of the Keiser Report, Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert discuss the 'capital Taliban' and the 'monetary jihadists' at the Bank of England, aka 'financial terrorists,' but not for the reasons Vince Cable claims they are. Stacy suggests that monetary policy could use a burka as it's walking in a g-string loose at the moment. 

In the second half, Max talks to Alasdair Macleod of Macleod Finance and Goldmoney about gold backwardation, GOFO and the 1300 tonnes of gold missing from the Bank of England!

Truth About Markets

Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert talk about the latest in financial news and scandals. This week they cover Vince Cable referring to Bank of England as Taliban, revelations that automobiles can be hacked and JP Morgan retreating from the physical commodities markets.

Silver Vault opens in Singapore

From todayonline.com

Article link

SINGAPORE — A vault that can hold 200 tonnes of silver will open for business in Singapore this week to cater to increasing demand among Asia’s wealthy even as the precious metal leads price declines this year.
The new facility is 30 per cent booked at the opening, said Mr Joshua Rotbart, Precious Metals General Manager at Malca-Amit Global, which owns the vault.
The storage will add to the firm’s five vaults at the Singapore FreePort, which are fully reserved for gold, he added. FreePort is located near Changi Airport.
“Our existing vaults at the FreePort are highly secured and the rate is too expensive to store silver there,” said Mr Rotbart, who declined to say where the new facility is sited. “We need to find a solution and we also see a strong demand.”
The repository can hold US$127 million (S$160 million) of silver at today’s prices. Gold is about 67 times more expensive.
Investors in silver are mostly private individuals, while the majority of gold holders are institutions, said Mr Rotbart. (silver is the peoples' metal)

Alasdair Macleod - Europe is a Hot Mess

From ChrisMartensondotcom

From the Roaring Twenties to the Modern Financial Panic

From theprimeinterest

Jim Rogers: “The Whole ‘Economic’ World Is Artificial, It’s Going To End Very Badly”

From theprospectgroup

Published on Jul 5, 2013
Jim Rogers is a world renowned commodity investor and author of 'Street Smarts: Adventures on the Road and in the Markets'. He spoke with The Prospect Group about commodity and currency markets, the coming bull market in agriculture, and how investors can protect themselves from the hard times ahead.

Ron Paul and Jim Rogers on Government

From sovereignmanhq

Ron Paul and Jim Rogers spoke at the Sovereign Man: Offshore Tactics Workshop in Santiago, Chile, on March 30 - April 1, 2013.

Gold's Breakout Week?

From Kitco NEWS