Sunday, May 18, 2014

John Butler - All About the Money

I just came across an excellent presentation by John Butler of Amphora Commodities (John's bio) in which he discusses bitcoin, gold and reserve currencies throughout the ages, and the Gold Standard.

I have been following John's musings for a few years now having first seen him interviewed on The Keiser Report. I was fortunate enough to meet him at last year's Gold Symposium in Sydney. We talked about his book The Golden Revolution, and also we had a fascinating three way discussion with my mate Duncan of Anglo Far East on gold standards, fiat money and the decline of Western Civilisation over a few beers. Then I think things left that lofty plain as we were joined by the outgoing Jeff Berwick of and we ended up in one of Sydney's swankest bars (Establishment, ironic for such a bunch of anti-establishment types) and well some things that occur during Sydney's "Gold Week" are sometimes best left there.....

Your blogger with John Butler in Sydney

Ed Grant on Gold as Unsure(ance)

From John Mauldin

Toby Birch on the Guernsey's Currency Experiment

From TEDx Talks

SD Metals and Markets - The Fix, the Fed and Indian Elections

This week The Doc and guests discuss the ending of the London Silver Fix, the T-Bond purchases being washed through Belgium and how the Indian national election result is bullish for gold demand.

From SilverDoctors

Darling are you sure you locked the tank before we went shopping?

Mariupol, Ukraine

What will Narendra Modi's incoming government in India mean for the Gold Market?

From Al Jazeera English

Narendra Modi speaking at the Bombay Bullion Association summit on 5 Oct 2013:

Modi said gold has always been closely connected with human civilisations in the world.

"We have not seen gold just as money, it is related with all aspects of our social life. We have always attached the term 'gold' with anything good in our life," he said, adding that it was used even in Ayurvedic medicines since ages.

"In our society, gold is connected with security, respect and a friend in need during hours of crisis. It is also related to the well-being of our daughters through exchange of the matter during marriage times," he said.

"After a doctor, the goldsmith is the most trusted man in the family."

On the Gold Control Act

Modi said it is debatable how much successful the act was to preserve gold, but it seriously hit two generations of goldsmiths. "They shifted to some other profession and the skill which was honed over ages was lost," he said, adding that the country suffered a huge loss.

"Rise of gold-smuggling" The gold-smuggling activity increased during the time of the Gold Control Act. "These gangs became rich and they started to put their Money in other professions. Our film industry is an example. A class of rich goons was established and they posed serious threat to the ordinary people's lives," he said. "Could anyone imagine how the gold act put the social life under threat?." he asked.

"You must have noticed how people have been caught at airports while carrying golds in recent times. It means again the gold-smuggling activity is increasing," he said. "If narcotics, arms, fake currency and easily marketable gold are being smuggled into the country, then we can understand the danger the country is facing," Modi said.

Read more at:

Robert Kiyosaki: Entrepreneurship Is Your Shield Against the Coming Wealth Transfer

Another timeless interview with Robert Kiyosaki. Robert discusses the traits needed to become an entrepreneur, the value of gold and silver and having a plan B if everything comes unstuck.

From ChrisMartensondotcom

Published on Mar 16, 2014