Sunday, September 20, 2015

Weekend Chillout - Wade in the Water

I woke today to a coastal storm that dumped enough rain to have me wading through ankle deep water at my front door......

If you enjoy the Frances Madden sound you can purchase her CD here or simply search for her on iTunes and Google Play.

SD Metals & Markets - Bullion Banks Intentionally Causing Retail Silver Shortage?

From SilverDoctors

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Michael Pento on the Stock Market and Precious Metals

From Greg Hunter

Mike Maloney - Silver Shortage - Is It Real?

From Mike Maloney

David Morgan - Investment Silver Backlog

From SilverDoctors

Physical Gold is not anyone elses Promise

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Argentina's Financial Meltdown 2001

From silver

Keiser Report with Ned Naylor Leyland

From RT Shows

Published on Sep 12, 2015

In this episode of the Keiser Report, Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert discuss the great un-banking movement as more people choose not to “buy in” when the banking system seems rigged against them. In the second half, Max interviews investment banker Ned Naylor Leyland about the latest in yuppie gold pools and pet rocks.

Keiser Report: Zombie Economies with Gerald Celente

From RT

Published on Sep 8, 2015

In this special episode of the Keiser Report from New York, Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert discuss the global economy as a film that only Wes Craven could have directed with zombie factories and zombie banks terrify investors and politicians alike. In the second half, Max continues his interview with Gerald Celente about volatile markets and zombie economies.

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Weekend Chillout - ความรัก

Youtube suggested this song to me earlier this week. I can only understand about 10% of the lyrics, but being a pop song that is probably for the best.


Friday, September 11, 2015

Gold Bears

Its Fat Friday- Wahoo! And on Fridays the only Gold Bears that are acceptable are these little fellows.

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

David Morgan: Silver Update

From Greg Hunter

TED talk on building connections with your audience, clients and friends

From TEDx Talks

Magicians have mastered the art of understanding different perspectives in order to create illusions and connect with the audience. Brian Miller explains how he used that skill to create magic for a blind man. Then he shares how you can use the same technique to make better, more meaningful connections with people in your life, personally and professionally.

Jim Rickards: "The System Is Highly Unstable If Confidence Is Lost, It Can Melt Down Very Quickly"

From Sprott US Media

Rob Kirby on the Financial Markets

From Greg Hunter

Saturday, September 5, 2015

Weekend Chillout - Frances Madden

This blogger was very fortunate to attend a jazzy jam session in a secret underground bar in Darlinghurst, Sydney this week (Tatler Sydney) with the amazing Frances Madden. Three drummers, 2 sax, a bass, a guy playing a baby grand, and Frances on vocals.

Inside look at the Silver Shortage with the CEO of the Sunshine Mint

From SilverDoctors

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Marc Faber Warns "There Are No Safe Assets Anymore"

Mike Maloney with Rick Rule - Why Has The Stock Market Crash Taken So Long?

From Mike Maloney