Saturday, October 4, 2014

Boom Bust - Paul Craig Roberts on Corporatism and Mosler on the Economy

From Boom Bust

SD Metals & Markets: Gold & Silver Finish Brutal Week Rolling Over into the Close

From SilverDoctors

Weekend Chillout - We Won't Run

This weekend's Chillout is dedicated to the brave protesters in Hong Kong.

Keiser Report: SpaghettiOs of Terror

From RT

Published on Oct 2, 2014

In this episode of the Keiser Report, Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert discuss the story of a woman locked up in Gainesville, Georgia for three months after being found with dried pasta sauce on a spoon which was mistaken for meth - until tests finally proved otherwise. They also realize that the Khorasan Group must be the SpaghettiOs of terror, and so its recently killed leader must have been Chef Boyardee. Or, perhaps, he was actually a grain silo?

In the second half, Max interviews Amir Taaki about bitcoin, the blockchain, mainstream media and the men and women in beige.