Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Ellis Martin Report with David Morgan

From Ellis Martin

Brother JohnF - Silver Update: Coordinated Collapse

From BrotherJohnF

As Flash as a Guy with a Gold Shirt

Gold Holds $1,300; Focus on U.S. Inflation Data This Week

From Kitco NEWS

Obama Announces Targeted Airdrops Of Bombs & Food To Iraq

From The Young Turks

Published on Aug 11, 2014

"President Obama announced Thursday that he had authorized targeted airstrikes in Iraq and carried out a humanitarian airdrop to aid thousands of religious minorities trapped in the mountains by Sunni militants.

Karl Denninger on Fraud and Regulation

From Boom Bust

Published on Aug 2, 2014

Libertarian blogger Karl Denninger talks about the failure of the government and regulators to reign in the excesses of the financial sector. He also looks at the similarities between Occupy Wall Street and the Tea Party.

David Morgan Reveals the Extraordinary Drivers in Silver

From silver investor.com