Friday, October 26, 2012

El-Erian - Equities and Bonds in a QE bubble

Adrian Day - US Reserve Currency Status At Risk

Oct 25, 2012 by

Capital Account - An End to Exponential Easing at the Altar of Bernanke's Faith-Based Inflation

Oct 25, 2012 by

Brother JohnF - Sham Silver Stockpiles

Oct 25, 2012 by

Jim Rickards - Currency Wars Simulation

For those who enjoyed listening to Jim Rickards at the recent Gold Symposium.

Keiser Report: Goodbye, German Gold?

Oct 25, 2012 by

In this episode, Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert discuss how it is that Gordon Brown's Bottom turned into an audit the gold movement in Germany. They also discuss the mother of all bond bubbles getting set to burst and all that will be left in the Bank of England 'gold' vaults are a big pile of gilts. In the second half of the show, Max Keiser talks to Dominic Frisby, author of Life After the State, about Germany's gold quest, the future of relations between the US and Germany if the gold is not there and about 'life after the state.