Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Rise of the robots

Oct 15, 2012 by

Court Strikes Down CFTC Regulation to Limit Excessive Speculation

Oct 15, 2012 by
Michael Greenberger: Legal and lobying assault by finance sector blocks regulation of excessive speculation, will create higher prices for food and other commodities.

Portugal protests against tough tax hikes

Oct 16, 2012 by http://www.euronews.com/ Hundreds of protesters stayed out in front of the Portugese parliament building late into Monday night after the government announced sweeping tax rises.

GOLD – The Simple Facts

Gold report from PIMCO. Click here or on image to access report.

Jim Rogers: 'Serious Problems' for Stocks By 2014

Greifeld: US Doesn’t Deserve Its Low Interest Rates

Oct. 15 (Bloomberg) -- Honeywell CEO David Cote, UPS CEO Scott Davis, BlackRock CEO Larry Fink, Former U.S. Treasury Secretary Larry Summers and Nasdaq OMX CEO Bob Greifeld take a look at the economy, housing and global debt. They speak on Bloomberg Television's "Street Smart CEO Summit: Debt."

Rothschild Quits Bumi Board

Nathaniel Rothschild, scion of a centuries-old banking dynasty, intensified a feud with Indonesia’s Bakrie family by quitting the board of their joint coal business, vowing to fight “from outside the tent.”

Gregory Mannarino - Forget QE3 Because QE4 Is Coming

Oct 13, 2012 by Gregory Mannarino

Investor Jim Rogers still shorting U.S. Treasuries

Oct 15, 2012 by ReutersVideo

International investor Jim Rogers says he's shorting Treasuries in anticipation of the Fed-fueled bond bubble bursting. He's also thinking about buying the Ruble as a way to play the Russian markets.

Gerald Celente - A Psychopathic Game

Oct 15, 2012 by trendsjournal

Capital Account - Depression-Proof Banking and Monetary Mayhem in Myanmar with Chris Mayer

Oct 15, 2012 by CapitalAccount

UKIP`s Nigel Farage on EU wining Nobel Prize

CrossTalk: Great Recession

Oct 15, 2012 by

The IMF has released a report that predicts the hoped-for global economic growth is again endangered. Why is this happening? Why has the Great Recession come back so early? Did it ever end? Has austerity made things worse? And is there a way to avoid the 'fiscal cliff' issue in Washington? CrossTalking with Seijiro Takeshita, Martin Hennecke and Chris Cutrone.

Follow Peter Lavelle on Twitter http://twitter.com/PLCROSSTALK

RAP NEWS 16: OBAMA v ROMNEY - the Final Presidential Debate

The world's best news show is back to take on the US Presidential debates. Best watch twice to get all the hits.

Takeaway quote   "I have a Drone"

Oct 15, 2012 by