Christine Lagarde, France's finance minister, has told Eric Cantona, to stick to football after the former Manchester United striker called for a nationwide run on banks.
"Mr Cantona is no stranger to controversy. He is a great footballer, but I'm not sure we need to pay heed to all his suggestions," Ms Lagarde said
In a filmed interview last month that became a YouTube hit, Cantona said millions of people should start a revolution by withdrawing their money from their banks.
"No weapons, no blood," he said, invoking the calling card of notorious French bank robber Albert Spaggiari, who in 1976 made off with millions of francs after tunnelling his way into a branch of Societe Generale......read on
___________________________________________Attention! BankRun 2010:
ReplyDeleteBankRun 2010 is a movement initiated by retired football player Eric Cantona. It organizes a massive collective withdrawals of money from the banks. It is organised on the Internet by a network of Facebook events.
I thought as many others that the movement initiated by Eric Cantona was spontaneous and naive and thought that I could hang myself to it in order to establish La Nouvelle Économie. After a Skype discussion with Géraldine Feuillien I came to the conclusion that it was a movement whose brain manipulator is still unknown but whose purpose is to establish an economic system probably fascist that will emerge by terror rather than a movement that will foster the economic interests of each of us.
The page of our community contains instructions concerning measures to be taken before December 7 to preserve your life savings. La Nouvelle Économie
ReplyDeleteAttention! BankRun 2010:
BankRun 2010 est un retraits d'espèces de masse auprès des banques qui se produira le 7 Décembre 7 il est initié par l'ancien joueur de football Eric Cantona. Il est organisé sur Internet par un réseau d'événements Facebook et a attiré l'attention des médias
J'ai pensé que beaucoup d'autres que ce mouvement été spontané et naïf et j'ai pensé que je pourrais m'y accrocher afin d'établir La Nouvelle Économie. Après une discussion sur Skype avec Géraldine Feuillien j'en suis venu à la conclusion que c'était un mouvement dont le cerveau manipulateur est encore inconnu, mais dont le but est d'établir un système économique sans doute fasciste qui apparaîtra par la terreur plutôt que d'un mouvement qui va favoriser les intérêts économiques des chacun d'entre nous.
La page de notre communauté contient des instructions concernant les mesures à prendre avant le 7 Décembre pour préserver vos économies.
La Nouvelle Économie.