That was H.G. Wells - and he could have been talking about investment, don’t you think?
If you’re interested in education when it comes to precious metals, I have good news for you today.
News: Brett Le Brocque has joined ABC Bullion
I’m delighted to let you know Brett has just joined ABC Bullion full time, as Chief Investment Analyst and head of ABC Bullion Investor Education team
Brett Le Brocque is Australia’s leading precious metals educator. (Some of you will have met or spoken to Brett at our Pitt St showroom.)
Brett’s aim is simple: to help you understand the precious metals market - and profit from that education.
Brett’s making quite an impact in the industry, just a couple of days ago he was on Channel 10, speaking about gold’s continued appreciation. Brett has been predicting the rise of gold for 4 years now, so understandably the media are showing some interest…
Today I want to give you a personal taste of why we’re fortunate to have Brett on board; and in a moment I’m also going to offer you exclusive access to 5 essential charts he’s put together for you.
These charts show you the real state of the precious metal market and the local Australian economy.

That’s the Le Brocque ratio – and it’s a great way of showing how Australian property is STILL overvalued relative to gold. Do you notice the long term cycles at work? And would you back Aussie property having seen this chart, and knowing the state of the economy?
This chart raised eyebrows at the Gold Symposium in November last year, as investors visiting from around the world came face to face with the real state of the world’s Fiat currencies (currency backed with nothing but a promise).
It’s also the chart that convinced me that Brett was the man to kick start our Investor Education Division.
Good news!
There are lots more insights where that came from. And you can be in the loop.
Introducing ABC Bullion Investor Education
You see, we are now planning a range of mentoring opportunities to suit you. There will be reports, alerts, webinars, live seminars and even one-to-one coaching by Brett and his team.
Some of these services will be free, and some may attract a small fee. But I’m convinced you’ll find ALL of them will offer great value if you are a serious investor.
Why is ABC Bullion Doing Investor Education?
You may be wondering why a bullion trading company like ABC Bullion would make such a major commitment to investor education.
Of course, we do have a vested interest in this plan, because the more we educate our clients, the more loyal they tend to become, and frankly, I see this it as a vital part of our effort to improve our services to you.
However, I do quite understand that investor education won’t be for everyone.
It’s for YOU!
Like all education, you need to put in some effort to get rewards, so this service is meant for any investor who is serious about getting a good investment education based on real fundamentals and “value investing.”

The people who will benefit most are:
- Mum & Dad investors looking to secure wealth.
- Current investors in property or shares who want to learn about the broader investment market.
- Self Managed Superannuation Fund trustees who want to know how bullion can improve their portfolio profile.
- Young investors who want a strong foundational education on the fundamentals of investing.
- Self-employed people who want to know to manage and protect their profit.
These are 5 important charts from his sell-out seminar in Sydney last year:

Yes please - register my interest and send me my exclusive LeBrocque bonus slides immediately!
Your Bullion Mentor
Brett’s official title at ABC Bullion is Chief Investment Analyst. But you can think of him as your “Bullion Mentor”!
So Brett will also be available to help guide clients like you on actions you might want to take to protect and nurture your wealth.
And in the coming weeks, Brett will help coach savvy ABC Bullion investors in the trends and history of the market, and what that means for your portfolio.

What Have Golf and Investing Got In Common?
If you’ve ever played golf, you’ll know the importance of a personal, expert coach.
Someone who is highly knowledgeable when it comes to the technical side of the sport, but who is also able to translate this to your personal game so it makes a difference to you.
Brett is to an aspiring gold investor what an elite golf coach is to an aspiring professional golfer.
He’s you in-house “investment professional” and is here to care for, coach and guide ABC Bullion metals investors.
Why Would I Want A Mentor?
Great question. Over the past 7 months we’ve found investors like you are simply bursting with questions such as:
- Why is silver rising so fast?
- What is the outlook for gold?
- What will happen to silver next?
- When should I buy?
- Should I borrow to buy?
- When should I think about selling?
- Can I use my Self Managed Super to invest in gold?
- How much should I buy?
- When should I sell?
- How much should I store?
Does that sound like you?
Register your interest in the new Bullion Mentor 2011 Programme and the 2011 Seminar Series
We’re just putting together plans for the programme and would like to share it with you first as soon as we have all the details.
I’m Interested: Tell Me More About ABC BULLION “BULLION MENTOR”
Please note: By registering, you will be first to know about about the new mentor programmes (when we’ve finished working out the details). But you’ll be under no obligation, of course.
More About Brett Le Brocque
If you’ve read this far and STILL haven’t signed up, you might be waiting to learn a bit more about Brett.
With over 16 years of coaching experience, Brett has mentored thousands of investors though seminars and workshops all over Australia.
He’s shared the stage with the “original gold bug,” James Dines.
He conferences regularly with US-based David Morgan, one of the world’s top 3 experts on silver.
Brett has personally interviewed virtually all of the “greats” of investment – people such as Jim Rogers (US billionaire investor), Marc Faber (Asia-based Gloom Boom and Doom Report) and Richard Duncan (author of “The Dollar Crisis”).
And if you attended the packed-to-the-rafters “Rise and Rise of Gold” presentation, or The Gold Symposium 2010, you might remember Brett also predicted this year’s stunning rise in both gold and silver prices.
But that’s not all.
Brett is a qualified wealth advisor. But he’s not exactly the favourite son of the financial planning industry. After all, he’s happy to explain to the world the reasons most financial planners are still reluctant to advise clients to invest in physical metals. You guessed it – there’s no commission on gold!)
Perhaps most importantly for you, Brett is a straight-shooter.
He speaks in plain English and hates jargon, because as he points out, “jargon is how the investment-elite try to restrict access to the sheer power of information”.
Oh, and as an aside, Brett loves golf.
So, I hope you’ll join with me in welcoming Brett to our community of ABC Bullion investors, and I personally encourage you to register right now to express your interest in our Investor Education and Bullion Mentor Programmes.
Yours for investment success,
Australian Bullion Company (NSW) Pty Ltd
PS - Don’t forget, if you click through here now, you will receive your instant download of

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